Table of Contents

Class: BFCipher src/

A class that implements a Blowfish cipher. The results are base64 encoded for easy writing to ASCII configuration files

__depad_file ( self,  file_buffer )

Depad the file_buffer

__init__ ( self,  pword )

Initialize a BFCipher with password pword.

__pad_file ( self,  file_buffer )

Blowfish cipher needs 8 byte blocks to work with, so we pad file_buffer to an even multiple of 8 bytes.

decrypt ( self,  file_buffer )

Base64 decode and decrypt the ciphertext contained in file_buffer

encrypt ( self,  file_buffer )

Encrypt a file_buffer containing the plaintext and Base64 encode it.

Table of Contents

This document was automatically generated on Sun Feb 3 17:55:12 2008 by HappyDoc version 2.1